Call for feedback by the Platform on Sustainable Finance on preliminary recommendations for technical screening criteria for the EU Taxonomy

Year published
Regulation compliance
EU Commission

This call for feedback was part of ongoing work by the Platform on sustainable finance, which was set up by the Commission to provide advice on the further development of the EU taxonomy.


The purpose of this call for feedback by the Platform was to gather further evidence and feedback on the proposed draft recommendations for technical screening criteria. The draft criteria presented in the report are working documents of the Platform and do not represent a final view of the Platform. They are presented to gather feedback and evidence from a wider set of stakeholders, to improve the draft criteria and make them more robust and usable in view of the final report to be presented to the European Commission in November 2021.


This feedback process was not an official Commission consultation. The draft report produced by the Platform is not an official Commission document. Nothing in this feedback process commits the Commission nor does it preclude any policy outcomes.